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Our story
So what’s our deal... We’re here to Stir Things Up!
Come into The Stir and Kick-Start all your Senses… Savors, Sounds, Scents & Sights.
Showcasing a delectable assortment of Coffees, Cocktails & Ice Cream… Sometimes even Stirred together.
Located on High Street in the North Valley — in a style we like to call throwback chic — Stirring up Memories of yesteryears in every guest that passes through our doors.
The Stir — Coffees, Cocktails, and Conversations!
Hours & Location
Monday: 7:30 am - 4pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 11 pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday: 7:30 am -12 am
Friday & Saturday : 7:30 am- 2 am
Check Google for Holiday hours
5415 E. High Street, Suite #103
Phoenix, Arizona 85054